3 Natural, Fun Ways To Get More Outdoor Exercise

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Going outside and partaking in exercise is good for your health, but it’s true to say that most of us can struggle to go for runs or training in other ways because it can be tough on our joints. 

However, I believe that there’s an exercise suitable for everyone. It can be as simple as going for comforting walks with your dog in the park or spending more time in the garden. Over the years, I’ve found that an activity you love to do that has exercise as a side benefit is so much easier to keep up with, and can return much more energy to us than forcing a certain training program in a certain direction.

But what exercises would I recommend to those in their golden years, sixty and above? In this post, I’ll discuss a few techniques that have helped me stay trim, and can totally refresh my mood after partaking in them, without forcing you to go out and purchase running shoes or sweatbands.

With that in mind, let’s begin:

Start An Allotment

Gardening seems like a lot of work (and it is!) but it’s important to note that it can also give us such a sense of life to partake in it. Getting active and working on our allotment or gardens keeps us trim and active, while also helping us make friends or cultivate our own property as necessary. I’ve found that the more you get involved in this, the more you realize just what amazing gardening communities exist out there, be that offline or at the private allotment space itself.

Join A Walking & Photography Club

If you love taking pictures, then this can serve as a great excuse to get out there and exercise while doing so. You’d be surprised how many walking and photography clubs can exist within relative distance to a large town or city. Walking through parks with a large group, taking small routes, and coming back to edit and share your photos is not only a newly learned skill but a social occasion too. Socializing and meeting new people can get harder as you age, and so I believe this is a positive means of curating both a hobby and socializing well at the same time!

Keep Chickens

You’d be surprised how keeping chickens or other farmyard animals in the appropriate space setting can keep you up and active on a daily basis. From cleaning out their chicken cage to making sure they have access to the appropriate feed and collecting their eggs each morning, I find that getting out into nature is much more enjoyable if you regularly interact with it. Of course, this is a relatively low-impact amount of work without repetitions or pumping music keeping you going, instead, it’s a natural, comfortable, and highly time-honored means of staying trim, providing you with a treat for your plate later on.

With this advice, I hope you can find a comfortable, relaxing means of getting more outside exercise, without being forced into practice you find neither stimulating or useful.

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