How To Stay Fit In Your Sixties And Beyond

Did you know that physical activity can actually slow down the ageing process? It can also increase your life expectancy too. We all know of the importance of exercise, and even if you haven’t been so active earlier in your life, there is no reason why you can’t start now. You can definitely increase your health and well-being as well as tone muscles, reduce fat, increase your power, strength, and stamina, which is always a bonus. It can also stave off some more serious illnesses. Okay, so let’s look at some ways you can stay fit and healthy.

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Is it Safe?

Before starting any new form of exercise regime, the first thing to do is check with your doctor if it is safe to do so. If you have some sort of underlying condition, or even if you don’t but have been inactive for a long period of time, it’s worth having a check-up.

Start Slow

There is no point going from zero to hero and then hurting yourself. If you are embracing something new, then start slow. If you are starting to cycle, try somewhere flat and go for short distances, for example. Remember it is important to warm up and stretch before any form of activity too. Cold muscles can tear and damage more easily.  

Keep an Eye on Your Progress 

Watching yourself improve is a definite way to keep you motivated. Although exercise has so many benefits, it is difficult for some to keep up what their new regime if they do not see physical results. However, you will be improving even if you cannot physically see it in your body yet. Monitoring your progress can help you with this. Perhaps a pedometer may help. There are also plenty of tools and apps that may be of benefit too. 

What Do You Enjoy?

If indulging in a new activity is difficult for you, perhaps you can merge it with something you enjoy. If you are always watching, maybe you could join an over-sixties football team. Or maybe you could go walking to see a local game. Take a look and see what is on in your area for our age group. You may well be surprised at what you can find. 

Focus on Strength-building 

You could focus on strength-building activities that you can do at home. You could buy a few light weights and start there. You could also try some pilates or yoga. By learning how to stretch muscles and build up your core, you will have more mobility, it can improve your flexibility and balance. In fact, yoga is one of the best forms of exercise for those of us over sixty.

Diet and Hydration

Remember, a balanced diet and drinking the right amount of water are also paramount to staying fit and healthy. Sometimes just changing your diet is enough to enable you to come off of certain tablets. Food and water can be seen as a form of medication on their own, and it has no harmful side effects either.

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