After he’d been a bit under the weather for a few days, I instinctively knew there was something wrong with my dog Buddy. There were of course more indelicate clues. He was constantly being sick from one end and the other end wasn’t ‘as normal’ either.
My usual tried and tested healing remedy of chicken and rice wasn’t doing the trick, so off we went to the vet to get him sorted out, safe in the knowledge that my Pet Insurance would cover the cost of any treatment and medication.
I was expecting a phone call at around 4.00pm to arrange collection and presumed I’d be coming home with my dog and the usual expensive box of Antibiotics.
The vet DID phone at 4.00pm, but after telling me, as I already knew, that there was nothing stuck in his throat, she went on to deliver the upsetting news that they had found a large growth in his stomach.
I was offered some options at this point and one of them was that as he was still under anasthetic from the Xray, that I could go and say Goodbye to him as it might be too traumatic for them to bring him round, only to put him to sleep again – permanently.
I can’t begin to tell you how devastating news like this is to any dog owner, but, in my case, Buddy has been glued to my side since I rescued him from a dog shelter in Spain, where it was also possible that he might be put to sleep prematurely just because he was a big black dog and it was presumed that nobody there would want to adopt him.
In the end, knowing that I had Pet Insurance in place, I was able to have Buddy’s growth removed, without the additionl worry of how to pay the vets fees. The tumour was wrapped around his spleen, so that was removed as well and in hindsight it turns out that I did indirectly prolong his life, rather than shorten it, as if it had gone undetected and burst, then my poor boy might have gone over Rainbow Bridge a bit too prematurely!
But what a terrible position I would have been in if I had not made Pet Insurance one of my top priorities. I’m on a limited income, and along with just the cost of living, and supporting myself, to have to find a big lump sum to save my dogs life would have been virtually impossible. Yes of course kind caring friends would probably have lent me the money, but it still has to be paid back.
Instead, I just rang the Insurance company, who sent me a claim form, which the vet will fill in and the fee’s of £1200.00 will be paid directly to them.
Two weeks on, and my boy Buddy is almost back to firing on all 4 paws. After an initial tricky few early days when he was more like a dying swan, barely wanting to raise his head and taking full advantage of playing to his adoring but worried crowd, he is now bright eyed again and bushy tailed again. He’s sleeping a little longer, plodding about a little slower but it is only about 15 days post op, and he’s still healing internally.
The prognosis is difficult to be sure of, as the biopsy did show that the growth was cancerous. So it may have already dug in to other areas of his body, or we may be lucky and have seen the last of it. I’ve elected not to put him through any preventative aggressive or invasive treatments. He will just enjoy being a dog, and be thoroughly spoilt until he tells me it’s time for him to go to doggy heaven!
More info on dog health issues here :
Pet Insurance :
Oh mate, that brought me to tears, and over my lunch! Bless his big soppy face! Hopefully you will have lots more time with your gorgeous Buddy xx
How scary for you. So glad that Buddy is on the mend. I second that about pet insurance. Paddy has had yet another ear infection, and the treatment cost almost £100, as we’re here in the UK. That’s almost half the yearly premium, and as dogs get older, it’s more difficult to get insurance at an affordable price. Hugs to Buddy – and you too, obviously! x