5 Tips On Freeing Up More Space In Your Home

If you’re like most people, you probably feel like you never have enough space in your home. Whether it’s because of all the clutter, or because there just isn’t enough square footage, it can be frustrating trying to find a place for everything. This blog post will give you five tips on freeing up more space in your home. Keep reading to learn more!

via Pexels

Get Rid of Clutter

The first step in freeing up more space in your home is to get rid of the clutter. Clutter can create an overwhelming feeling and make it difficult to find what you need when you need it. If you notice that areas of your house are becoming overrun with unnecessary items, take a few hours to go through and organize them all. Donate or throw out anything that no longer serves a purpose or brings joy into your life.

Assess Your Furniture

It’s easy to quickly become attached to furniture pieces, but if they’re taking up too much room, consider replacing them with something smaller. Look for multi-functional pieces such as ottomans that offer storage solutions and convertible sofas that can transform into a bed. If you’re not quite ready to get rid of your current furniture, use area rugs and curtains to create the illusion of more space or add shelves to make your walls work for you.

Use Vertical Storage Solutions

Vertical storage solutions are perfect for freeing up more space in your home. Consider adding wall-mounted shelves, hanging racks, and pegboards to store items that can be kept off the floor. This will give you extra room to move around, as well as the opportunity to display decorative objects in an organized way. Plus, this type of shelving is great if you don’t have a lot of horizontal surface area available.

Organize Your Closets

Closets can quickly become overwhelmed with clothes, shoes, bags, and other items. Take some time to organize your closets so you can easily find what you need when you need it. Try hanging shelves to store your shoes or adding small hooks to hang bags and hats. You can also use storage boxes and dividers to store seasonal clothes and accessories that don’t require daily access.

Build a granny flat

If you’re looking for an innovative way to free up more space in your home, consider building a granny flat. These are self-contained units that can be built on your property and used as living spaces or extra storage units. Whether you need a place for guests to stay or just some extra room for all of your possessions, granny flat builders can provide the perfect solution.

By following these five tips, you’ll be able to create more space in your home and add an overall feeling of order and calm. Remember, it doesn’t need to be an overwhelming undertaking – start small and focus on one area at a time. With some simple organization and storage solutions, you’ll soon have the extra room you’re looking for! 

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