5 Things You Should Talk About Before You Marry Your Partner

getting married



So, you’ve found the one and you’re thinking about getting married but do you know each other as well as you think you do? Many married couples will admit that they married a stranger on their wedding day. It can take a whole lifetime to truly get to know someone.

The better you know your partner, the more equipped you are to handle forever as their spouse. Here are some things all partners should talk about before getting married.

Do You Want Kids?

It’s a topic that most couples talk about before getting married but some people assume they know their partner’s thoughts on the subject. Ask your partner if he sees children in his future and if so, how many. It’s also important to discuss how you would both feel if you couldn’t conceive children naturally.

Would adoption be an option? Would you want to try IVF? Infertility can put a huge amount of stress on a relationship so it’s good to know where you both stand beforehand.

Where Do You Want To Get Married?

You may have decided you want to marry each other but have you discussed where you want to get married? You could have trouble if one of you is thinking of luxurious wedding venues in the city while the other is thinking of an intimate countryside wedding. This could be the first time where you need to make sacrifices on a large scale.

How Do You Imagine Spending Holidays?

This can be a tricky one. Perhaps you both come from families that like to spend the holidays together and now you’ll need to work out how to split your time. How will this look if you have children in the future?

You might agree that when you have children you’ll spend less time with your family and more time creating your own traditions. Or maybe you’ll want to take every opportunity for your children to be with grandparents and cousins. It’s certainly a talking point.

How Will You Arrange Your Finances?

Money can be another huge pressure in a marriage. It’s important to talk about how you see your money once you’re married. For some couples, everything goes in the same pot and each person has equal rights to it. For others, keeping finances separate works better.

Will you use a joint account or not? Who will be responsible for paying which bills? Many couples fall into financial arrangements easily but for others, it’s a big test and a must-have discussion before getting married.

Do You Have Any Secrets?

It’s better to get everything out in the open before you say ‘I do’. For many partners, little secrets make no difference to the relationship and both partners can get married with clean slates. However, big secrets can have a detrimental effect on a marriage.

For instance, have you ever been engaged before? Have you ever cheated throughout our relationship? These are must-know secrets before any relationship can progress to marriage.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this article, take a look at the others.


Are You Single and Ready to Mingle?

When I mentioned my latest crazy ideas to an (available) male friend, I was met with derision wrapped in a pastry case of pitfalls.

And of course, in many ways, he was right, HOWEVER, in the same vein, let’s acknowledge how many times ‘some’ great manuscripts have been rejected before they are critically acclaimed and become bestsellers.

Yes, some crazy ideas just need a little bit of spit and a polish with a Granny’s lacy hanky, and they are good to go. Unlike my friend, let’s not be too quick to judge.  It may be a YES from you dear reader…..

I was pondering the dilemma probably all of us face at one time or another, when you spot an attractive man, or woman, in the supermarket. Maybe you lock eyes and do that thing where you hold their gaze for a couple of seconds longer than necessary, or even, do a double-take. Obviously, that’s reserved for very attractive shoppers only.

If you are really a smitten kitten, you might even casually follow the attractive shopper around the store to judge by the contents of their basket, if they are shopping for a meal deal for one….. or two.

And of course, we mustn’t forget that in these modern times, depending on the contents of your pants and persuasion, do their 10 items or less, indicate the contents of their own pants and persuasion, and basically, are you likely to be compatible. It’s a minefield of genders out there, one cannot be too careful.

But you can follow the attractive person all around the store, via home cooking, and artisan bread and cakes, and sadly it will all still be futile if they are not actually available.  But how will you know….and here’s where my crazy idea came in…..

If there was some visible indicator of a person’s availability status, or their willingness to be approached for a quick chat, and possible exchange of numbers, then things would be a lot simpler.

Picture the scene.  You spot someone at the checkout. You lock eyes more than once, you are checking each other out.  But their queue is moving quicker than yours, and they are heading off far too soon out into the car park, whilst you are still trying to find your loyalty card.  Within seconds, they are lost forever. AND yes, possibly going home to their significant other. But possibly not.

So if you did happen to know that they were free and single, you could abandon your shopping for one, and follow in hot pursuit, ready to strike up a car park conversation.  And who knows what could happen.

I stand by my original idea, that all free and single, and happy to mingle with people, (note my nod to gender fluidness) should have a badge of availability honour.  Like those old Rotarians, but far less classy.

That way, you could be sure you weren’t approaching a man living with a coach load of children, or a lady living with a man. No woman would live with a coach load of men. It would be just plain silly. One is more than enough.

Armed with all this knowledge, you could bag yourself a mini Supermarket Speed date in Sainsbury’s, a Micro Date in Morrisons, or a Winner Winner Chicken Dinner in Waitrose.

The possibilities are endless.  So whose up for an availability badge, I’m ordering some sticky back plastic as soon as possible.



Wedding Anniversaries – Perfect Stones for Every Milestone!


Some may say, that by the age of 60+ you have probably got all the jewellery you are ever going to need/want.  But can you ever have too much?

As Valentines Day approaches and ‘much younger’ people turn to the internet to order huge, overpriced bouquet’s, and book vastly expensive restaurant tables, in an attempt to impress their loved ones, what is it that floats the boat of the mature, been together years and still loved up, market?  Is it confined to 14th February? What about those other all-important relationship milestones, such as wedding anniversaries.

Personally, I love the idea of marking a special date with a romantic gesture, such as gifting your loved one with a new necklace or earrings to recognise the importance of a milestone wedding anniversary.

Yes I know, Bernard, c1950 will look pretty daft in a matching set, but you know what I mean. Us women love all things sparkly and there’s a stone for all occasions!

Recently, I was lucky enough to be gifted THE most gorgeous sparkly bracelet for my birthday.  It was such a lovely surprise, and all the more appreciated because it was totally unexpected.  My wrists are fairly small, and my gift was very fine and delicate and is absolutely perfect for me.  It arrived unannounced in a lovely presentation box from CARAT  and is one of the nicest presents I have ever received.


The ruby traditionally marks 40 years of married life and is possibly one of the richest coloured stones for those couples married in their 20’s, and about to celebrate this milestone in their 60’s.

Let’s be honest, reaching the all-important 25 year Silver anniversary is a drop in the ocean of relationships, compared to this one.

There are lots of lovely ruby collections to mark this achievement from CARAT of London which will melt your good lady’s heart, and ladies, it’s definitely one to have on your wishlist.


Now we are talking big figures, 50 years of wedded bliss. Time to really push the boat out and buy something beautiful for your partner.  Many women find chunky bracelets a bit annoying and restricting, so a fine, elegant yet stunningly pretty bracelet will be the perfect answer.  This one will work daytime through to the evening, and will also be the perfect accessory for special occasions.


Well, you’ve well and truly nailed the marriage lark, congratulations!  60 years is a wonderful achievement, and this wedding anniversary should be marked by something special – and I feel that nothing less than a matching set of jewellery will do.  Yes, this milestone calls for something fabulous, such as earrings, a necklace, and bracelet. Especially if you are going to celebrate with a luxury cruise or trip of a lifetime.  What better time to show off your new jewellery collection.

Even if you don’t normally wear many accessories, it’s still nice to have a few little bits tucked away in your drawer to bring out on special occasions.  And for those who really love to rock some stones, these gems really will have you smiling!




The Sexual Smugness of the Young

Disgusting!  Stomach Churning! Makes Me Feel Sick!

80-year-old Iris

Just a few of the instant reactions I’ve read in response to the startling news that a man and a woman are enjoying an intimate relationship. What’s all the fuss then you may well ask.

Well, the couple who seem to be offending so many people with their sexy fun are just a little unusual in that the lady is 80, and her beau is just 35 years old.

The lovely ‘Iris’ quite understandably, is shouting loud and proud that after a 35-year dry spell, she felt like a virgin all over again, and after her free advert for KY Jelly on prime time telly, she could justifiably request free supplies for life from Boots.

Her toy boy doesn’t have much to say, but he is pictured with his arm proudly round Iris, and I’m sure we will hear more about him in the not too distant future.

Yes all this maybe just a little too much information, but unlike the smug detractors, I’m not in the least bit offended by this story, and unlike some deluded ladies, who travel to far off lands to find some fun, only to be fleeced out of thousands of pounds in the process, Iris seems to have her head screwed on and isn’t going to be handing over her pension any time soon.

How lovely that this lady isn’t sitting at home on her own, with only memories for company.  Not many women her age would even think to get on a plane to Cairo, let alone have a fling with a man 45 years her junior.  Bloody fair play to her, she’s having the time of her life.  Being interviewed by Holly and Phil, making headlines across the world, it’s her time to shine and she is.

Iris and her ‘beau’

The couple met on Social Media and although 80-year-old Iris had virtually given up on finding love again, fate dealt her a winning card, and now at a time when many ladies are spending much of their time home alone, and the highlight of their week is a trip to the Bingo, Iris is swinging from the chandeliers and making headline news without a hint of embarrassment.  Much to the disgust of many!

But they aren’t hurting anyone else, they are conducting their relationship privately, nobody has to see what they are getting up to, so why do so many people feel the need to be negative and make hurtful remarks.

Children of any age find it offensive and distasteful that their parents are still having sex, but fail to acknowledge that if those same two people hadn’t had sex, then those same (offended) children wouldn’t be alive in the first place.

Even on TV and in Films, whenever there is a scene of mature parents getting up close and intimate, there is inevitably a counter shot of their screen children screwing up their nose, or turning away in disgust.

It seems that anyone under the age of 40 thinks sex is the prerogative of the young, and that parents and Grandparents, you know those ‘old’ people of 60, who have the audacity to even kiss and cuddle their partner is an affront to their own sexual behaviour.

As in, FFS they are OLD, and still doing the same things with each other at their age,  that I am doing with my girlfriend.  UGHHHHH, that’s disgusting.

So it’s disgusting behaviour for one age group, but not the other.

And recently, Social Media has been flooded with comments about 80-year-old Iris, and her toyboy. Some young people I even personally know have passed judgement with a smug attitude, ironically forgetting that one day, they too will be offending their children and Grandchildren with their own sexual misconduct!

I think that before we start educating children in school about gender issues, we should teach them that intimate relationships aren’t restricted to a particular age group.  You might start having sex in your teens and still be having sex in your 80’s, there is no right and wrong way.

But one thing for sure, I’d much rather see 80-year-old Iris and her peer group, being loved and cherished by anyone than see them spending long lonely days by themselves, with nothing much to look forward to, and only memories to cling to.












The Uninterested Man in The Flasher Mac

As we all enter a new decade, it’s a great time to clear out not only the clutter from your home, but also to say a permanent ‘See you later’ to those dead end relationships that only make you huff and puff and question your own sanity.

Why, I thought to myself, are you still friends with any man who doesn’t leave you smiling, or who has no positive effect on you whatsoever. So now in 2020 I’m taking steps to end those toxic relationships that drain the life out of you, and this one was the first to go.

After another ‘you couldn’t make it up’ lunch with this gentleman acquaintance, I took the easy decision of blocking him from my phone and ending all points of contact.  Sounds harsh, but here’s why…..

I’ve known, (let’s call him) Jim – surprisingly not his real name, – around 10 years.  Quite an attractive man, tall, carries himself well, and wouldn’t look out of place in an East End car lot.

In a different life, he might have been a would be member of a Kray type mob.  Back in the day that is.

An ex publican, plenty of chat, with a mouth that makes appointments for ‘mature man’ fisticuffs, that his body wouldn’t ever actually be able to keep.

But nevertheless, we shared a passion for red wine, warm climates, and long discussions about deciding what to do in our retirement.

But unfortunately for ‘Jim’, over the years, at times he’s not been a very nice friend, and whilst I’ve given him several second chances, this time, there was no point.

The last time I even spoke to ‘Jim’ was in 2015.  He had promised to collect some furniture for me, and I was relying  on him to deliver it to a new place I was renting.

As you can imagine, the actual moving part of all this was stressful enough, but to have him let me down quite spectacularly at the very last minute, tipped me over the edge.

I didn’t contact him again, or return any of his calls or texts.   Until December 2019.

Out of the blue he text to ask how I was, and that he’d like to buy me lunch to catch up.  And being the nosey bird that I am, I DID want to know what life had thrown at him during the 4 silent years. But nothing more than that. So I accepted the invite.

Lunch was arranged for 1.30.  My heart sank at his choice of venue, a fast food pub, but I didn’t intend to stay there too long. Quick drink, quick lunch, quick catch up, done. Maybe for another 4 years!

‘Jim’ arrived in the car park at the same time as me.  A vision approached me, in a long gold coloured Colombo style (flasher) Mac and hugs were exchanged.  I grabbed a table, he went to the bar to order drinks.  So far, so good.

Inside of a pub

But, it went downhill from there.  Without even exchanging pleasantries, my lunch date ceremoniously plonked 2 G & T’s on the table and launched into a mega speech, which should have come with a warning.

The opening statement was ‘well, I’ve been thinking,… we aren’t getting any younger, and what I think we should do is………’ it was as if I’d only seen him the day before, not 4 YEARS before!

For all he knew, I could have met the love of my life, and got married.  Unlikely, but he didn’t even wait to find out if I’d even had any meaningful relationships in all this time.

The diatribe continued for many minutes, with him telling me how we should pool our resources, and go off to Spain together and run a bar.

Oh and if it had rooms above it,  I could maybe run an Airbnb. ( as I’m already an Airbnb Superhost, this was the most sensible part of his suggestion).  He had it all worked out, and I really couldn’t get a word in edgeways.  He was on a roll.

Within all this, we had ordered some ‘fast’ food. As I’d looked at the menu, I’d mentally made a note of what he would order, and I wasn’t wrong, the cheapest item, as always.

As an ex publican, he knows exactly where the food has been bought from, and his choice is dictated not by what he likes, or fancy’s, but what HE is paying for it, simply because he knows what the pub has paid for it. But he thinks I don’t know this!

I listened patiently, he didn’t pause for breath, whilst he put a price on all the belongings he would sell, and instructed me to start saving, so we could make our escape.   At last he stopped, and threw an uninterested ‘ So how have you been…..’ in my direction.  Ah, I thought, my turn to talk, your turn to listen.

With that, ”Jim’ turned and took his mobile phone out of his Flasher Mac pocket, and proceeded to scroll through it, as only uninterested people do, and became completely engrossed, occasionally glancing my way and giving me a cursory, ‘Yeah, I’m listening’……..actually mate, you definitely are not.  

It was the most bizarre lunch date I’ve endured in a long time, and trust me, I’ve endured quite a few.  A man who was nothing more than an occasional ‘friend’, who I hadn’t seen, or spoken to for 4 years, sat in front of me virtually dictating what WE should do, without pausing for breath.  No niceties, no catch up, no verbal foreplay, just straight in wham bam……..but actually, NO THANK YOU MAN!

How arrogant, how presumptuous, how rude and completely oblivious to what he was doing.

Normally, I’d linger over a coffee, enjoy the chat, and be interested in what someone had been up to in the 4 years since I’d last spoken to them. But once I could see that this was just a load of self centred clap trap, I made my excuses, thanked him for a lovely ( it was not) meal, and left.

To give you some idea of how quickly I made my own escape, I arrived at the pub at 1.30pm, I was back home with a cup of tea at 3.00, and 15 minutes of that was journey time!

Quite some ‘speed date’ then…..!



Yesterday, I nearly went and got myself a date…….but whilst from the outside my would be new gentleman friend was quite acceptable, once he started on his epic story, he went on and on, and it quickly became a no likey from me. That’s why mature men should just stop talking.

Stick men showing one of them talking

Mature men should just stop talking

There I was stood on a chilly September morning, flogging my crap again at the local weekly car boot sale when a mature gentleman kindly pointed out to me that one of my items was displayed the wrong way round.

He seemed a nice genuine man, silver hair, with an impressive logo on his body warmer, and if I’m not mistaken a splash of Dior Eau de Savage wafted my way. We chatted about the pro’s and con’s of bifocal’s, and how popular Onyx had been in the 70’s. Not exactly mind blowing conversation, but don’t say I didn’t try.

I’m quite a regular there as I’m trying my best to declutter my life because as lifestyle ‘gurus’ say,  minimalistic is the new way to be cosy and less stressed.  I’m not convinced.  (more…)



Apparently, after much money has been wasted on trials and studies on libido, the conclusion has been reached, the verdict delivered. Viagra does not work for women.  You don’t say! 

What a pity the same scientists hadn’t just asked women, they could have reached the same conclusion, for half the cost in half the time. Yes, we are told Viagra will make no difference to our sex drive and of course, it’s true; we’ve known it all along.

Unlike men, a little blue pill will not make us be magically up for it. It won’t put our sex drive into forward gear, relight our fire, or float our boat.

We know that the desire for sex starts in a women’s brain and works its magic downwards, whilst rumour has it that in men it starts downwards and pretty much stays there.

Luckily for those men whose equipment no longer rises to the occasion, purchase of a quick ‘kick start’ is easy via the Internet, without leaving the comfort of their own home.   Viagra pic H60

For a more personal approach, a visit to a sympathetic male doctor will have the desired effect and before you can say ‘make mine a stiff one’ they’ll soon sidle out of the pharmacy with a cure, boxed and wrapped in a plain paper bag.

Does this mean there is no quick fix solution for the ladies? What really is the truth about women’s loss of libido? How odd that it seems to just disappear. (more…)


I wish I could keep my mouth shut. I really do. Not only that, I wish I could NOT write the things that I do.  But it’s impossible, and the fact, that in my opinion, mature men are so boring, is one more example of things that I wish I could NOT write.

One of my last missives was concerning a gentleman friend, who’d committed several crimes against brushes, and generally pissed me off, though not to the point where I’d banished him to the ‘ex’ friends heap as he continues to give me plenty of ‘content’ with which to create witty and amusing missives for your (possible) entertainment.

Don’t get me wrong.  He’s a nice man, a very very nice man. But bloody hell, why are mature men so boring. He’s turned 65, and though I will never meet her, as she’s currently propping up a very new and shiny headstone in Highgate Cemetery, I think he’s turning into his Mother, which brings me nicely to the reason for my story. 



I cannot believe how, or why it has taken me so long to add something vaguely witty or wise to my little Hello Sixty blog. This is the story of one man and two brushes and includes a bone china cup.  All will become clear, so stick with it.


I’m really fussy about tea.  I like to make my own tea, and wherever possible it has to be Yorkshire Tea.

I don’t mind it being made in a mug during the day and evening, BUT my first cup of tea of the day just has to be made in a white bone china cup. Don’t ask me why it just does.

As lots of you will know, I’ve recently returned from a trip to Spain, and after selling all my worldly goods to go in the first place, now I need to restock my new abode with virtually everything from knives and forks and pots and pans, right up to beds, sofa’s and beyond.

One of my gentleman callers who starts virtually every sentence with ‘I’m not tight but….’ gets very turned on by a trip to Poundland and he treated me to 6 new mugs. They cost exactly a £1.00 each.

They were perfectly acceptable, but favorite was still my pure white, bone china breakfast teacup, which I bought myself, and cost £4.99 in Sainsbury’s.

And yes you can Taste the Difference.

Fast forward.  I’ve gone mad painting shelves and upcycling some shabby shite which I’ve paid next to nothing for at car boot sales, and I’m very fond of wrapping my brushes in cling film and leaving them laying around the kitchen until the next project.

Imagine if you will then how utterly grateful I was to Mr. ‘I’m not tight but…’ when I found that out of all the mugs in my kitchen, he’d ‘helpfully’ rounded up my paint brushes and left them to soak in……..my beautiful pure white bone china breakfast teacup.

It’s relevant to say here that Mr ‘I’m not tight but….’ is a nice chap, very helpful, and a top bloke for putting up shelves and curtain poles. But he’s SO careful with his money, and likes to hold onto it for as long as humanly possible

Oh, and did I mention he’s won the lottery not once, but twice!  Not life changing amounts, but more than enough to make a big difference, and just last week won yet another £150 on a scratch card.  Talk about money going to money

BRUSH NUMBER TWO FOR ONE MAN TWO BRUSHES and a dustpan and brush.   

One man, two brushes

One man, two brushes

Things disappear don’t they, usually, it’s just socks and things. But recently so did my dustpan and brush. I have no idea where it went, I think I must have just left it in a bin bag and chucked it out with the rubbish.

Mr ‘I’m not tight but…’ found this completely mystifying and mulled over its disappearance for an unhealthily long time.

The lost dustpan and brush was actually white, but he mourned the loss so much he began to even debate the colour, saying that he was sure it was maroon.

He’d been putting up some shelves, and there’s always that bit of dust that gets trapped on the skirting board, and of course, you don’t realise how handy a dustpan and brush can be until you’ve chucked them away!

But on about the 5th time of him trying to start a conversation about the ffffflippin dustpan and brush, unsurprisingly I flipped and suggested that if I had one handy, I’d shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

Some days later, he left a voicemail on my phone that went something like this.

‘You are going to laugh at this’…….( I doubted it )……I’m in a shop, standing in front of loads of dustpan and brushes all in different colours, and I don’t know if I should get you one or not, and what colour you would like. You are not answering your phone and I really don’t know what to do’.

And then he hung up. Apparently at the time of the call he was standing in Poundland, where the dustpan and brush was ONE pound.  He didn’t get me one. It was £1.00. ONE Pound.

If you, on the other hand really don’t get ME, refer back to the paragraph in italics above.

In the end, I bought my own dustpan and brush, and it too cost a £1.00 from a boot sale, after a few outings, the handle broke.

Now if only someone had bought me a spare one………MEN!

Read more about Mr. I’m not tight but…….http://www.hellosixty.com/mature-men-are-so-boring/



Fancy some Fish and Chips on Friday?  he typed.   That would be lovely, I typed back.

We don’t actually talk very often, but we type a lot to each other.  Sometimes we watch whole programmes on the telly together too, whilst sitting miles apart. Yes I know, we should get out more but honestly, we are just good friends.

The exchanges are fairly succinct.  Celebrity MasterChef, for example, is accompanied by  ‘that looks like shite,  or ’not enough jus with the lamb’  and ‘shovel it in Greg’………..highbrow stuff.

Then, in the middle of our ‘conversation,’ we both nod off on our respective sofa’s, about 20 miles apart until the next time.  (more…)