73 Questions About Me

Well someone at Vogue thought it would be a good idea to ask some celebs these 73 questions, https://video.vogue.com/series/73-questions and whilst I can’t aspire to the dizzy heights of celebdom, I was asked by http://www.suefoster.info to take part.
So grab a coffee and if you have the time and inclination, here are my answers!
1. What is your usual Starbuck’s order?
I don’t ‘do’ Starbucks, but in a café, it would be a one shot flat white. Strange how I hardly ever drink coffee at home, only when I go out!
2. What does your workstation look like right now?
My workstation is my pine kitchen table, sitting on a bright pink painted kitchen chair, with big soft cushion as I spend so much time here. My puppy is asleep in his bed under my ‘workstation’!
3. All-time favourite food?
Roast beef dinner with all the trimmings, but only a home made one.
4. Favourite author?
Caitlin Moran
5. What do you think of open relationships?
I think it has the potential to be very dangerous, it’s not for me.
6. Favourite video game?
I have never played a video game and feel no overwhelming desire to ever do so!
7. Guilty pleasure treat?
Crips and Hummus dip with a glass of Barefoot Merlot
8. Favourite film?
I’m stuck in a time warp, I still love Love Actually
9. Favourite book?
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
10. Twitter or Instagram?
Instagram, but I still don’t ‘get’ how people make fortunes, someone tell me how to do it. (more…)