How I Steer Away From Building Bad Habits In Life
You don’t have to be an inconsiderate, foolish person to build bad habits in life. They can sometimes sneak up on us without us even realizing. They usually start small – maybe laying into sleep after snoozing one too many times, or grabbing fast food because cooking feels like too much effort, to the point where you’ve spent hundreds on working lunches instead of sandwiches you could have made yourself. Little creeping habits often come through convenience or short-term relief, like smoking.
Before we know it, these little choices become our default behaviours that take time to get away from. I’ve learned this the hard way, through years of promising myself ‘I’ll start tomorrow’ while watching my productivity slip and stress levels rise. It’s not a nice feeling to feel your habits getting away from you. I can relate.
That’s why, from an entirely human-to-human point of view, I think some helpful advice could be given. If you need further help be sure to speak to a professional of course, but from someone with years of experience starting, stopping, supplanting, substituting, and feeling seriously annoyed with bad habits, I think there’s some insight below:
I Understand My Triggers
Most bad habits start as responses to specific situations, and triggers are often developed that way. So for instance, stress might lead to mindless scrolling through social media, boredom could trigger unnecessary spending just so you feel a little engaged and stimulated, or loneliness might drive excessive television watching or perhaps eating too much.
If you know what the feeling is like before you engage, you can prevent “the ritual” of engaging in the bad habit before it begins. So for instance, if you feel a little lonely, you could go to the local cafe and enjoy a green tea with a friend, write a letter to someone you appreciate, or perhaps write a journal entry to get your thoughts out. This way, you address the trigger, but direct it to engage with a new behavior.
Replace Rather Than Remove
Trying to simply stop a bad habit rarely works, because as I’ve found, behaviors tend to work because of momentum. Our brains resist that space where the habit used to be if you just stop cold turkey. I noticed an issue with late-night snacking, but it was mostly because I’d trained myself to get up at night instead of being disciplined and trying to drop off, so I’d turn my computer back on, sit there, and snack. What broke this was reaching for a book and reading it after my late-night bathroom trip. That means I felt tired and could more easily soothe into a sleepy mindset.
Watch Other People
Sometimes, learning from other people is worthwhile. Perhaps you have an acquaintance or know someone in your larger network of relatives who have struggled with gambling in the past. For that reason, you know that when looking for casino reviews, you’ll look for trusted brands, only set what you can afford to lose, and feel happy for the entertainment you enjoyed with a friend. That way, a bug that bites some people doesn’t have to limit you – the same way as limiting your drinking days can help you avoid developing an issue. I avoided smoking this way, by listening to my friends who continually struggled with quitting. If you don’t feed a problem before it begins, you save yourself plenty of trouble!
With this advice, we hope you can more easily steer away from building bad habits in life!