Coping With the Loss of a Loved One – 7 Steps

Coping with the loss of somebody you loved is not going to be easy. Unfortunately, grief is something that can last for quite a while, and the process is not the same for everybody. It’s also worth noting that grieving is not linear. One day you may feel like you’re doing ok, the next you might feel like your whole world is falling apart again. You can’t expect it to be smooth sailing.

Below, we’ll give you 7 steps that will help you to cope with the loss of a loved one.

Step 1: Be Patient With Yourself

Grief is different for everybody, so you need to be patient with yourself and allow it to unfold naturally. Don’t get frustrated or angry. Let the feelings come and go. Some days you might feel like nothing will ever get better. Other days you might actually laugh a little bit. It’s all normal.

Step 2: Turn To Your Friends And Family Members

Lean on the people who you are close to and make sure you spend time face to face. Don’t worry about pretending to be strong or holding it together. People you are close to may offer to help you deal with difficult things, such as selecting headstones. Take them up on their offer. You don’t have to go through this alone.

woman in black standing at graveside.

Step 3: Accept That Not Everybody Knows How To Handle Somebody Who Is Grieving

Grief can be confusing and frightening for many people. Just know that if they have reached out to you it’s because they care and want to help, even if they are not very good at it. Don’t get angry with them. You could always let them know how to support you better, rather than distancing yourself from them.

Step 4: Speak To A Therapist Or Grief Counsellor

A therapist or counsellor may be able to help you work through intense emotions. A lot of people think they should be able to do it on their own, but end up actually burying feelings rather than working through them and looking to understand them. If you know that this is something you’ll struggle with, looking for a professional might be a better idea.

Step 5: See If You Can Express Your Feelings In A Creative Way

See if you can express feelings creatively. You could write about it, paint, or do something else that helps you.

Step 6: Maintain Hobbies And Interests If You Can

Hobbies and interests can help you to stay in a routine, which can be very helpful when you are grieving. It might not feel like the most natural thing to do, but trying to keep it up could help. If you normally go to the gym a few times a week and find it’s the last thing you want to do, how about walking instead?

Step 7: Plan Ahead For Grief Triggers

Anniversaries and milestones can be grief triggers, so talk to people ahead of time and figure out how you can minimize the pain.


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