How To Maintain Personal Hygiene As You Get Older

As we get older, it’s crucial that we pay attention to our personal hygiene because not only does it mean we look and feel our best, but it’s good for our health as well; when we’re clean and healthy, we’re less likely to pick up any kind of illness or infection, for example. With that in mind, here are some important points to think about so you can stay clean and healthy as you get older. 


Photo by Quiet Shades  Of Brown

Have Regular Baths Or Showers

It can be really tempting to skip a few days between baths or showers, especially if you’re not feeling great or you have mobility issues, something that’s important to bear in mind as we age, and that can happen to all of us. 

However, if you have a regular washing routine, you’ll make sure you get rid of all the dirt, sweat, old skin, and so on, which reduces the chances of skin infections and other issues. When you wash, make sure the water is not too hot, as that can make your skin dry and uncomfortable. If you’re unable to use the bath or shower due to injury or the mobility problems we mentioned above, think about the benefits of dry wipes, as they could be used instead to maintain personal hygiene. 

Use Gentle Soaps 

If you’re going to wash properly, you’re going to need soap, but just any old soap isn’t going to be good enough – you need to check that you’re getting gentle soaps that are mild and hypoallergenic

Although these soaps can cost a little more, they’re so much better for your skin than harsher, cheaper soaps, and they’ll reduce the risk of dryness, itching, and even allergic reactions, and help you stay clean and healthy. 

Trim And Clean Nails 

As we get older, our nails can become thicker, and that makes them harder to manage and take care of. That’s why sometimes it’s a good idea to go to a specialist who can trim your nails (especially your toenails) for you using specialist tools and lots of experience. 

It might be that you can do this yourself, however, and if that’s the case, that’s what you should do. Keeping your nails trimmed and clean can help prevent things like fungal infections, and all you need is a nail brush and the mild soap we mentioned above to do it. 

Stay Hydrated

It might sound strange to say that if you want to stay hygienic, you need to stay hydrated because the two things don’t sound like they would normally be linked, but the fact is they are. If you’re properly hydrated, you’ll be able to flush toxins from your body more easily, and that’s a positive thing when it comes to personal hygiene. 

As unpleasant as it might sound, if you’ve got a lot of toxins in (and perhaps on) your body, they can cause bacteria and other issues which result in a bad odour, and once that problem starts, it can be hard to deal with it quickly, meaning that you’ll potentially feel embarrassed because of how you smell. To prevent that as much as possible, drink plenty of water throughout the day (and eat vegetables too), and it will make a big difference.

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