Want to Travel the World? What’s Holding you Back?



lady sitting on a wall looking at a view.

It’s time to stop making excuses and get on that plane! Here are just some of the common reasons many of us put off our dreams of travelling and why you shouldn’t let these hold you back.

‘I can’t afford it’

Travel doesn’t have to be expensive. There are lots of tricks that can help cut the cost of flights and accommodation such as travelling out of season and booking last minute. There’s also the option of earning as you travel. From finding paid work online to renting out your home as you travel there are plenty of ways to keep an income as you journey around the world.

‘I have too many commitments’

Commitments such as a job, kids, grandkids, pets and other interests can hold us back from travelling. However, it’s still possible to work travel around your commitments. Many parents take their kids travelling with them – it’s a little more challenging, but it’s possible. As for keeping down a full time job, you don’t have to travel for months on end. Taking a couple weeks off each year to do some travelling could be all you need.

‘It’s too much stress to organise’

Travelling doesn’t have to involve lots of meticulous planning. Booking an organised tour such as an Egypt tour could allow you to still explore a foreign country while letting someone else handle the itinerary. There are even companies that can plan around-the-world trips for you.

‘Travel isn’t safe’

The news is full of stories of war, terrorism and killer diseases. It seems that nowhere else in the world is safe. The truth is that many places around the world are often no more dangerous than your local neighbourhood. So long as you’re sensible, you can avoid most dangers and still see the world.

‘I’m scared of flying’

Flying is the safest form of travel. Nonetheless, many people have an issue with it. Fortunately, you don’t have to get on a plane to leave the British Isles. Travelling by sea is a popular option – you can jump on a ferry to Europe or take a cruise to New York. You can even reach mainland Europe by train. None of these options are as fast as a plane, but they’ll still give you the freedom to travel.

I have no-one to travel with

Travelling solo sounds scary, but it really isn’t as bad as you think. In fact, it can be one of the most liberating experiences you’ll ever have. Besides, you can meet people as you travel. There are even sites dedicated to helping to find travel buddies if boarding a plane on your own is too scary.

I’m too old to travel

You’re never too old to travel. You may not be up for roughing it in hostels or hiking through mountains, but you can still see the world at a slower and more relaxing pace by booking a cruise or a luxury train ride or a coach trip. In fact, some people keep travelling all the way into their eighties and nineties.


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