How To Say That You Are Not OK



lady looking tired and anxious

If I asked you how you were feeling right now, chances are you would tell me you were fine, you may even say that you are ‘good.’ But, how often would you tell anyone that asked you how you really feel? We all say that we feel fine, or we’re going well. But more often than not, life can be a bit stressful, to say the least. If you are always doing well, and you’re never stressed about anything, then I need to know your secret, because whatever it is, I could bottle it and make a mint.

Being honest about how we are doing is hard. We don’t want to show all of our emotions. Maybe it feels a bit undignified? Possibly you might think that it is a little too intrusive to be sharing all of the gory details about the negative emotions that swim around your head? But we all do it.

It is vital that we talk about our problems, though. I go through them, you go through them, even the Queen has her off days. A problem shared is a problem halved after all. But, how exactly do we open up when we need to let off steam?

Pick The Right Friend To Open Up To

Because there are definitely the wrong friends to share all of your heartfelt emotions with, you will need to feel confident that your feelings are not going to get bulldozed over, or worse thrown around in idle gossip behind your back. Think about talking to a friend who is a good listener. Maybe you know someone who has been through a similar problem that you are going through. They may even be able to give you some great advice.

One of the best things I find about talking about my problems is how light I feel after the conversation. Emotional burdens feel heavy, and they can really drag you down. Having someone listen to you and validate your feelings can help you feel that bit lighter.

So, next time a good friend asks you how you feel, and you’re not feeling great, ask them to put the kettle on and let them know how you are actually feeling.

Talk To The Professionals

There are some people out there that really know what they are talking about. Many people even get paid to help you. If you need help dealing with a complicated divorce, for example, you may want to speak with a solicitor such as Bannister Preston. You will also possibly want to let off steam to a counsellor that can help you make sense of the complicated emotions that you may be feeling.

There are some excellent charities out there that are really helpful during difficult situations. Mind, for example, is really helpful when it comes to mental health problems. Many of their centres offer counseling and self-help workshops. Step Change is an organization that can help with money problems. Financial worries can be crippling, and getting on top of a bad debt situation can be hard. Sometimes you need someone just to take a look at your finances and help to sort you out.

Help Yourself

Self-help is exactly what it says on the tin. But, when you are feeling in the dumps, it can be hard even to want to help yourself. Mostly, feeling negative about life just makes you want to reach for the wine and chocolate and just try to distract yourself.

Taking good care of your health is vital, especially when you are feeling stressed, and as if your world is falling apart. It can be really hard, but you need to keep on top of eating a good diet. Having plenty of fresh fruit and veg will help you not to feel so sluggish. You’ll have some natural energy. Binging on comfort food may help for a short period of time, but overall, the fats and sugars will combine to leave you feeling grouchy and ill.

Exercise is also important when you are going through tough times. If you have a dog, get out there and walk it. You’ll get some air in your lungs, and your blood will start to pump. It’s amazing what half an hour outside can do for your mood.

Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Poor sleep patterns will directly affect your stress levels. Try and get a reasonable length of sleep each night and avoid screens before bedtime. If you’re struggling to drop off, read a book.













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