Subtle Signs That Your Mental Health Is Suffering

If you just haven’t felt like yourself lately, then this can be a big indicator that you need to start taking care of your mental health more. I know how hard it can be to put yourself first when you have a busy lifestyle. You may find that you are constantly trying to get the kids to soccer practice on time, and that you’re run off your feet trying to make sure that everyone eats a healthy meal at the end of the day. Either way, it doesn’t matter what’s causing you to feel this way, because you have to make a change. I’m as guilty as anyone for not putting myself first, but at the same time, I also understand the repercussions for not doing so. If you want to start taking better care of your mental health today, then here are my personal top tips, as well as some red flags you should be looking out for.

Disrupted Sleep

Poor sleep can be a major red flag for mental health issues. You may find that you are experiencing anxiety or depression. I understand that everyone has a hard time falling asleep now and again, but if you find that it’s happening more than it should be then this is a sign that you need to make a change. This is especially the case if you are waking up too early in the morning and can’t go back to sleep. Often sleeping in is a big red flag too, as your body may be fatigued to the point where it is just burnt out.

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Experiencing anger, irritation, or being snappier, in general, can be a sign that your mental health is suffering. I know, sometimes you have a bad day and you end up taking it out on the people you love. That being said, you do need to try and make a positive change here. If you don’t then you may find that things don’t end up improving and this can have a major impact on your relationships. If you have been irritable for quite some time or if you don’t feel as though you have the power to make the change you need then there is no shame in seeking mental health treatment.

Loss of Happiness

It’s very normal for you to have a bit of a bad day from time to time. I know more than anyone that life is bound to bring you sadness at some point. That being said, if you are routinely finding less happiness and enjoyment in your life then this is a sign that something isn’t quite right. You may used to enjoy activities such as golfing or even guitar, but if you just don’t anymore then this could be an indicator that your mental health isn’t as good as it could be.

Changes in Appetite

Depression and anxiety can really affect how much you eat. For some, stress can make you less hungry, or it can make you feel as though you don’t have the energy to eat. On the flip side, it can make you eat more because you are seeking comfort. I am no stranger to this, but if you are going through this yourself then it is so important that you seek help. If you don’t then you may find that your mood is influenced by the excess sugar or lack of energy and this can really impact your life. 

Physical Symptoms

Anxiety and depression can bring about a host of side effects. You may find that you end up sweating, experiencing a rapid heart rate, gastrointestinal symptoms, and even dizziness. If you find that your physical symptoms appear suddenly or if you find that they do not have any other medical cause then this can be a clear sign that your health is declining.

Low Energy

Feelings of lethargy and fatigue are very common in those who are struggling with their mental health. You may find that you feel sluggish or that it is difficult to concentrate. Other symptoms include the fact that you find it harder to follow conversations or that you are not able to think on the spot. If this sounds like you then you need to try and have a chat with your doctor. When you do, you can then count on them to give you the treatment you need.

How do you Improve your Mental Health at Home?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that not every small mental health concern is a sign that you have a disorder. It could mean that you need to make some changes to your life though, because if you don’t then things may end up getting worse. I know how difficult it can be to put yourself first, but with that in mind, you need to if you want to be able to take care of others. 

Sleep Well

If you feel as though your mental health is taking a dive then you need to do something about this, before it leads to something more serious. One of the best ways you can care for yourself would be for you to establish healthy habits. This could include aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep every night and avoiding screen time. I know, you probably enjoy watching television at night, and although there is nothing wrong with this, it could be stopping you from getting the relaxation you need before bed. It may even be contributing to you not being able to sleep, which is the last thing you need.  Try and read a book instead, if you find it hard to go to sleep right away.

Eat A Balanced Diet

If you don’t eat a good diet then you probably won’t be giving your body the fuel it needs to last throughout the day. As a result of this, you may find that you end up feeling fatigued and that you also struggle to get things done. If you have no idea where to start with your current diet then one thing you can do is try and eat more vegetables during the day. It may be that you simply add one more serving of vegetables to your meals, once a day to start with, and then build it from there. If you can do this then you will soon find that you are able to make a positive change to your mental health.


Another thing you can do is try and work out. When you exercise, you will soon find that it is easier for you to relax and let go of all those stress hormones. Working out isn’t easy when you don’t have the energy, but it is so important that you try and give it a go. It might be that you choose to visit the gym once a day or that you walk a few times a week. If you have a dog then walking them more can get you out of the house and this is a great way for you to boost your mental health. Of course, if you are finding it hard to get motivated then you may want to get a friend involved. When you do ask a friend to work out with you, you can feel confident knowing that they are going to motivate you and that they are going to keep on pushing you to achieve bigger and better results. Sometimes meeting up with others helps you to relieve stress too, so make sure you keep that in mind.

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