4 Basic Ways to Improve the Safety of Your Home

Home safety isn’t necessarily something you think about very much – that is, until you get caught out, and then you may wish you’d taken better precautions.

Luckily, it’s quite easy to pre-empt of all the most common threats and make your home properly safe and secure. So if you’re looking for some tips on how to prepare for all possibilities, check out the list below.

Doors and Windows

First things first, you want to double check all the traditional points of entry – that means doors and windows.

Start with testing the integrity of your ground floor doors. If they are old or flimsy, they need to be replaced. You want to instal a door with a strong solid core, which is harder to kick in or pull out.

If the door is safe, double check the locks are secure and consider attaching a deadlock for an extra level of security. It might mean you accidentally lock yourself out once or twice, but installing a mortice lock which locks automatically when the door closes, will protect you when you forget to bolt the door manually.

If you don’t have a view to the front of the house, you can instal a wide-angle peephole, which will allow you to identify visitors before unlocking the door.

In the summer, it can be tempting to leave windows open to let in cool air. However, intruders will find any access point they can, so even second-floor windows need to be secure at all times. An effective solution is to install windows with ventilation flaps, or window restrictors which stop the window opening all the way.

CCTV and Outdoor Lighting

Typically, intruders are opportunistic. They choose properties that look less well protected.

So CCTV cameras and outdoor lighting will not only give you an improved vantage point from inside your home, it will also act as a very effective deterrent to any potential intruders. They don’t want to be caught on camera, in bright light, commiting a crime.

a security camera

It is best to opt for professional home cctv installation with a company who can properly assess the property and provide the best security cover for you.

Make sure to install outdoor lighting which will give you (and your camera) a clear view of the whole outside area and any dark corners of the garden. This is also great for keeping an eye on the kids or badly behaved dogs!


If you have a garden with open access at the bottom, it is a good idea to fence off the edges or get some tall bushes in place around the border.

Again, this will help prevent the view into your home and put off any opportunistic intruders. If they can’t see valuable items, or if getting in and out of the property will be difficult, it won’t be so worth the risk or the effort.

a secure garden gate

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Intruders are not the only safety risk you need to consider in the home. Some of the biggest threats to your safety at home are fire, and gas leaks.

In most areas, it is a legal requirement to have functioning smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. But very often their maintenance is neglected.

So make sure you have smoke alarms installed in as many rooms as possible, both upstairs and downstairs. Test them once a month and make sure to replace batteries when necessary.

If you have a gas boiler, you need a carbon monoxide detector that has been approved by a specialist.



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